Carbot Animations Wikia
Carbot Animations Wikia

Arriba Mami is a non-StarCraft music used in StarCrafts episode, "You Fired". It is composed by Jingle Punks and recorded by LIMO Recording Studio. In the episode, marine lab workers start researching or upgrading whatever a unit asks, and the music is played on the background.

After the episode received critical acclaim among StarCrafts fans and StarCraft community, the song has been added in StarCrafts Mod as part of the terran background research and upgrade on tech lab.


  • LowkoTV, the Youtuber and zerg player, became well-known in playing StarCrafts Mod after researching the concussive shell upgrade with his humorous expression on one of his videos.



StarCrafts S3E7 Music- Arriba Mami by Jingle Punks
