BFB Cross Tag Battle
- 1 The Story Intro
- 2 Gameplay (Not a Real Game!)
- 3 Characters Participated
- 4 Stages
In a World of BFB and Inanimate Insanity came to visit each other, Meanwhile in Starcrafts where Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg are still fighting to play, Meanwhile in Alan Becker's Computer, SC/Orange and his Stick Figure friends watched Hyun's Dojo, While in Plants vs Zombies Dimension, Crazy Dave was gardening his Plants and yet no Zombie Invasion, Suddenly all four Portals appeared on different Dimensions, they went inside..... into a Keystone Tag Fighting Tournament, A true battle... has now begun!
It's similar and consists to BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle and Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite
- Sgt. Patches
- Bob the Ragelot
- Patchling
- Medivac Pilot
- Slave SCV (DLC in Original, Playab…