Carbot Animations Wikia
Carbot Animations Wikia

Corruptor is an aerial zerg anti-air unit.

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Corruptors are known to be the fiercest of zerg aerial units ever seen due to their ferocious nature against another, even mechanical ships. Hovering about the ground, they scream at their targets before they bite them into pieces. If they decide to do range attacks, they use parasite spores which serves as a thick glob to cover enemies in gooey substance as shown in the game.

Their purpose is to protect the swarm's overlords harassed by air units, mostly terran and protoss. In order to attack ground units, they use caustic spray ability to regurgitate orange substance.


As shown in its debut in "Phoenix Down", corruptors have three jaws with very strong bite force, enough bite a metal into a crumpled sheet. They have rear tentacles used to navigate in different directions. Their spikes on its back are displayed for their dreadful appearance. Basically, they have a close resemblance to Earth's cephalopodan such as a squid.

They are very fierce flying creatures that can gnaw or penetrate every other aerial unit, such as phoenixes, carriers, battlecruisers, etc. They use corruption ability to give 20% extra damage to any unit.

Game Unit[]



  • As of "Legacy of the Void Opening", corruptors' corruption ability is removed, instead caustic spray ability is added.
  • Corruptors in StarCrafts series haven't yet attacked other units such as lifted terran structures, ground units lifted by phoenix's anti-gravity, and collosi.

See Also[]

StarCrafts Units
Protoss Units ArchonCarrierColossusDark templarHigh templarImmortalMothershipObserverPhoenixProbeSentryStalkerVoid rayWarp prismZealotOracleTempestMothership coreAdeptDisruptor
Terran Units BansheeBattlecruiserGhostHellionMarauderMarineMedivac dropshipMULERavenReaperSCVSiege tankThorVikingHellbatWidow MineCycloneLiberator
Zerg Units CorruptorBanelingBrood lordDroneHydraliskInfestorLarvaMutaliskNydus wormOverlordOverseerQueenRoachUltraliskZerglingSwarm hostViperLurkerRavagerBroodlingChangelingInfested terran