DiabLol is an animated series of short videos by CarBot Animations parodying the Diablo franchise. It is created by Jonathan Burton.
Series of DiabLol shorts include:
- DiabLol 1 - Seven-episode shorts that parodies the original Diablo.
- DiabLol 2 - The series of cartoon shorts that parodies Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
- Diablo 4 - The series of shorts that parodies Diablo IV recently released in June 6th, 2023.
The DiabLol 3 was a planned series to parody the 2012 video game Diablo III, teased in DiabLol 1 teaser trailer. However, the idea was scrapped when the new series Diablo 4 was released, probably due Diablo III's mixed to unfavorable reception.
Main article: List of DiabLol Episodes
Main article: List of DiabLoL Characters