Carbot Animations Wikia

Grinch Probe is Grinchlot's companion and a protoss probe.


Grinch Probe was responsible to pull a sleigh, operated by its master Grinchlot using reins. He dragged the sleigh full of stolen upgrades, minerals, and researches inside their bags towards the mountaintops so that Grinchlot could throw them into the abyss. After Grinchlot's change of heart, he was dragged by sleigh slid down the snowy mountain, so that the green zealot could return them to their owners, according to a specific unit.

He appeared in "A StarCrafts Carol" as a cameo, along with Grinchlot, to attend Zeratul's StarCrafts party.


Grinch Probe appears to be a regular probe with green team color. However, in its second appearance, it is now a redesigned probe.


  • Green Probe is based on Grinch's pet Max from How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss.
StarCrafts Characters
Terran Characters Sgt. PatchesCrackheadMedivac pilotSmoking MarauderFootball MarauderBurnt-Leg ReaperProbe-phobic SCVSlave SCVNuking GhostDonut MarineDerp GoliathJames RaynorSarah KerriganArcturus MengskNova TerraSwannEdmund DukeGerard DuGalleMira HanMatt HornerDustin BrowderDavid Kim
Zerg Characters PatchlingDerpfestorTowelingMineral DroneMineral OverlordHi-draliskScreaming HydraliskTiny TimLaughing ViperRambo OverlordSarah KerriganOvermindAbathurZagaraDehakaZurvan
Protoss Characters Bob the RagelotGrinchlotGrinch ProbeObnoxious ExecutorSwag TemplarProxy ZealotZeratulTassadarArtanisKaraxVorazunAlarak