Carbot Animations Wikia
Halloween Special 2014
Season 3, Episode 15
Air date October 28, 2014
Episode guide
Carrier Career

Halloween Special 2014 is the fifteenth episode in the third season of StarCrafts. It is the sixty-fifth episode overall.


Two previous episodes are replayed when both costumed marines and a ghost entered the infested academy, defended themselves from infested terran attack, and encountered Bob the Ragelot as masked, chainsaw-wielding psycho killer.

The episode starts outside the academy, where another marine in hotdog costume and reaper in Grim Reaper costume are waiting at the door. On the ground is a trail of blood splattered from the doorway. The marine jumps as he hears a scream from inside, so they take a peek on a sofa-barricaded window. They witness the zealot attacking the orange marine and ghost with the chainsaw. The ghost uses his rifle to block the chainsaw and retreats to the lounger with the marine. Bob then slashes them, only to slice the lounger in half as both terran units escape. The ghost hangs on the hanged picture frame but the zealot cuts it down. The ghost dodges attacks and runs off.

Reaper notices his companion fled screaming towards the terran village, leaving trails of ketchup and mustard on the ground. He decides to save them. He tries to tug the sofa out of the window in order to enter.

The orange marine hides under the low table, but Bob smashes it in half with his chainsaw and jumps upon it, causing the marine to squish out and hit the bookshelf. Marine climbs up the shelf, and the ghost helps him ascend. The zealot attacks them by shaking the shelf. The shelf topples him over, and both terran units flee. Outside, the reaper stops pulling the blockage and distances himself, preparing to use his jetpacks as a brute-force to go through the sofa.

Bob recovers by slicing through the shelf up, and does a horrific war cry, scaring the ghost and marine as they scream hopelessly. Suddenly, someone broke into the room and hit the zealot. The reaper manages to defeat the enemy who gets toppled again by a couch. As he stands up, the ghost and marine scream again, thinking the grim reaper approaches to take their lives. As the reaper removes his hood, it settles his fellow terran units down. The ghost claps and the marine hugs him, but he is shoved away by awkwardness.

The trio hears a bell chiming loudly from above, indicating it is midnight. They investigate the spiral stairs and climb to enter the higher level. As they reach the bell room, they notice a purple round object. It suddenly shows an infestor in Joker makeup, and a Harley Quinn-costumed infested terran jump-scares in front of the screen. The terran units yell in terror.

The ending shows "Happy Halloween" remark on infested academy landscape.



  • This episode is a sequel of "Halloween Special 2013" and it is the third Halloween-special episode in the series.
  • This is the first and only Halloween-themed episode without a year stamp on its episode title, simply titled as "Halloween Special".
  • This episode was uploaded at three days before Halloween.
  • The infested academy is proven infested when the infestor is present.

Cultural references[]

  • The masked zealot armed with chainsaw is a parody of Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th and chainsaw wielder Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He was first shown in "Halloween Special 2013"
  • Jokefestor is based on the Batman villain Joker, whose version is based on The Dark Knight.
    • Also, his jester-costumed infested terran is based on Joker's accomplice Harley Quinn, whose version is based on Batman: The Animated Series.

Video []


StarCrafts Season 3 Episode 15 Halloween Special

StarCrafts Episode list
Season 1 ProbelemSupply BlockMicro MarineZerg BMChoked UpA Hellion of a HarassRoach ApproachRoach PoachScouting FactorOnslaughtHalloween Special 2012Shes the BombSpore LoserThe BWC 2012Attention SeekerShadow of a ColossusNASL 4 Grand FinalsMarine TrainingThe True Meaning of StarCraftEpic Mule TimeThe BanePhoenix DownI SpyUneggspectedThree For AllHeart of the Swarm Opening
Season 2 Season 2 Episode 0GL HFGot 99 ProbelemsReaping the BenefitsCore ValuesMine for the TakingSpawning Pool PartyPest ControlHellraiserFog of WarUndermine the OvermindNuclearedPower OverwhelmingMutalatedThunder and LightningDeathBallUnstoppableA Swarm WelcomeUnaVOIDableWin of the CenturyTrust the Nidas TouchThat So RavenHalloween Special 2013It's Nerfing TimeCrude BroodOracle OraKILLThe Twelve Days of StarCraftsBurning TideValentine's Day Special
Season 3 Season 3 Episode 0Not Enough MineralsCheeselingBase to BaseProxologistHatch MatchA Miner Probelem (alternate)You FiredNexus HoldemTvTZvZPvPAll for OneBustedCarrier CareerHalloween Special 2014NimbusA StarCrafts CarolDoomDropBeat by CreepTeam WorkArchon ModeGroup HugOverlord OverloadProtoss PartyAlliance
Season 4 Season 4 Episode 0BroodWar in a NutshellBroodWar Ep 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) • WCS Season 3 FinalsHotS & WoL in a NutshellLegacy of the Void OpeningKerrigan & Karax
Season 5 Season 5 Episode 0Game of DronesReaping RewardsAdeptationNova Covert OopsSplashRavager RavengerFreedom FightersSpineless DefenceAbathur & VorazunJimmity & AlarakStarCrafts Mod OpeningHalloween Special 2016CyclOWNEDColossal MistakeNova & StukovHome AloneNation Wars 2017 Grand FinalsArchOnslaughtThe Magic BoxInChargeMineral Line UpLurking AboutOrders are OrdersExecutive DecisionsThe DuelFenix & ZagaraDehaka & SwannThe Fall
Season 6 Season 6 Episode 0The New TerranThe New ZergThe New ProtossBuild OrdersDeep FeelingsMira & ArtanisDeep ImpactNation Wars 2018StarCraft 20th AnniversaryEvolution CompleteHellfireLabotossDo You Even Lift?"Care Again" ft. Kyle OkalyAn Arm and a LegSpineless CowardA Worm WelcomeTychus & SwannDeep TroubleZeratul & Raynor
Season 7 The Beginning of the EndRed is not DeadProtossedMy Life For AiurCruise ControlDefeatThe Beginning of the End (Ep 6)GG No Re
