Carbot Animations Wikia
Carbot Animations Wikia

This is an episode guide for CarBot Animations' series, WarCrafts.


No. Episode Title Summary Upload Date
0 WarCrafts Trailer Peasants build the Altar of kings in order to summon human heroes. January 18th, 2020
1 In The Dark of Knight The paladin is summoned. He and his footmen venture the open fields. January 25th, 2020
2 Tower-aid Peon builds a watchtower near human town. February 15th, 2020
3 Dryaddled Defense Night elf dryad greets the human attackers on the sacred growth without harming them. March 7th, 2020
4 Revenge of the Lich The night elves engage an assault on undead base. Undead gargoyle takes action on air units March 28th, 2020
5 Tower Hour Archmage summons a scout tower using an ivory tower item at orc base. April 4th, 2020
6 Raiders of the Lost Bark Orc forces on their mounts attack the night elf base. April 26th, 2020
7 Ambush Gone Well Night elves hide in the shadows when orc units arrive. May 23rd, 2020