Carbot Animations Wikia

Medic Marauder is a minor terran character.


Medic Marauder appears as a regular marauder, but in later episodes he was shown smoking cigar and then playing with football (as he has worn a football gear in "Halloween Special 2012"), formerly known as Football Marauder and later Smoking Marauder.

However, he appears again in "Deep Feelings" where he dressed as a medivac pilot inside his medivac dropship, whom Sgt. Patches had mistaken as his missing girlfriend the Medivac Pilot.


  • Medic Marauder was coined by CarBot Animations in his Discord chat. According to his chat with MarKreations Studios, the latter had mentioned the seemingly different marauders with football and cigar until it was settled with those marauders as one, the Medic Marauder.
StarCrafts Characters
Terran Characters Sgt. PatchesCrackheadMedivac pilotSmoking MarauderFootball MarauderBurnt-Leg ReaperProbe-phobic SCVSlave SCVNuking GhostDonut MarineDerp GoliathJames RaynorSarah KerriganArcturus MengskNova TerraSwannEdmund DukeGerard DuGalleMira HanMatt HornerDustin BrowderDavid Kim
Zerg Characters PatchlingDerpfestorTowelingMineral DroneMineral OverlordHi-draliskScreaming HydraliskTiny TimLaughing ViperRambo OverlordSarah KerriganOvermindAbathurZagaraDehakaZurvan
Protoss Characters Bob the RagelotGrinchlotGrinch ProbeObnoxious ExecutorSwag TemplarProxy ZealotZeratulTassadarArtanisKaraxVorazunAlarak