Carbot Animations Wikia
Carbot Animations Wikia
Medivac dropship

A medivac dropship

A medical evacuation dropship (designated as G-226 medical transport, and shortened as medivac) is a terran aerial transport unit. It is also used to heal friendly units.


Medivacs are widely used in terran battlefields because of their healing ability to support ground units during the attack. The healing ability is shown as a green beam with "magical' plus signs as it hits a friendly biological unit. Oddly, they can even heal mechanical units (hellbat, for example, in "Hellraiser")

Medivac dropship's pilot is shown as the medic (usually female until in "Deep Feelings" male medic uses marauder unit). She used to heal units with old ability in StarCraft: BroodWar, when she sets afoot on the ground, until in the next game she becomes stationary in the dropship, which is renamed to "medivac dropship".

Afterburners are served to escape from heavier battles quickly when medivacs rescue hapless units from their certain deaths.


Medivac dropship is shaped almost indefinitely, close to being an oval-shaped vehicle. It has twin boosters with a plus sign (symbol for medical assistance) each, and a rear wing for proper aerodynamic support. Its windshield is simply round-shaped on outside, but it is wider on inside.

Although it is not used in-game, the door on its side serves as an entrance, added with a ramp, so that anyone can walk inside the ship. However, when it is on air, it uses a gravity tube to load units from the ground, which is literally a vacuum tube shown in "Burning Tide Part 1". In "DoomDrop", gravity is now used to load friendly units through the air quickly.


See Also[]

StarCrafts Units
Protoss Units ArchonCarrierColossusDark templarHigh templarImmortalMothershipObserverPhoenixProbeSentryStalkerVoid rayWarp prismZealotOracleTempestMothership coreAdeptDisruptor
Terran Units BansheeBattlecruiserGhostHellionMarauderMarineMedivac dropshipMULERavenReaperSCVSiege tankThorVikingHellbatWidow MineCycloneLiberator
Zerg Units CorruptorBanelingBrood lordDroneHydraliskInfestorLarvaMutaliskNydus wormOverlordOverseerQueenRoachUltraliskZerglingSwarm hostViperLurkerRavagerBroodlingChangelingInfested terran