Mine for the Taking | |
Season 2, Episode 5 | |
Air date | May 25, 2013 |
Episode guide | |
Previous Core Values |
Next Spawning Pool Party |
Mine for the Taking is the fifth episode in the second season of StarCrafts. It is the thirtieth episode overall.
An episode starts with a marine patrolling on a short range until a pack of zerglings attacks them. A hidden widow mine launches a sentinel missile which kills all the zerglings including the unfortunate marine. A second marine claps their hands at the sight, but an another zergling passes through.
The zergling attacks an SCV building a structure, while a second marine chases after it. It sprints around the buildings, and pounces on the pursuing marine from the top of the barracks. It then runs under a command center that is about to land.
Inside the command center, a marine pilot is about to press the button to land, but is interrupted by a camera footage that reveals the zergling giving it puppy-dog eyes, and he blushes blindly. As the pursuing marine shoots at the zergling and runs under the command center, the command center lands on them, and the zergling dashes away.
A widow mine is burrowing but the zergling digs it up and drags it back to a hive cluster. While the zergling passes an overlord, the mine launches a missile at it, killing it.
The zergling buries the widow mine behind a hive cluster's mineral line. The mine kills all the drones.
- Zerglings
- Marines
- Widow mine
- Sgt. Patches (cameo)
- Overlord
- Drones
- This is by far the cutest zergling drawn in this episode, second to "Attention Seeker", according to some fans.
- Sgt. Patches makes his cameo appearance inside the command center.
- During the scene where a zergling pulls the widow mine out, an overlord is half-shown behind the cliff.
- The chase scene between the marine and the zergling between the different buildings is a reference to the recurring "corridor chase" scene in Scooby-Doo series.
- The command center's screen is labeled "SCVTV", referencing the term "CCTV" (Closed-circuit television).
- The command center not landing on the zergling is a reference to the command center not being able to land on spaces occupied by enemies. The command center landing on the marine is a reference to it being able to land on friendly units.
- Sgt. Patches can be seen playing Diablo inside the command center.
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StarCrafts Season 2 Episode 5 Mine For The Taking