Carbot Animations Wikia
Carbot Animations Wikia

A mothership

The mothership is the ultimate protoss vessel and heroic unit.


Motherships are extremely powerful units with several unique abilities capable of turning the tide of battle. However, despite its power, it is rarely seen in combat due to its expensive unit cost and position at the very top of the protoss tech tree. Its lesser form, the mothership core, is a far more common sight, due to it being more accessible and expendable, while still providing several useful support abilities.

See Also[]

StarCrafts Units
Protoss Units ArchonCarrierColossusDark templarHigh templarImmortalMothershipObserverPhoenixProbeSentryStalkerVoid rayWarp prismZealotOracleTempestMothership coreAdeptDisruptor
Terran Units BansheeBattlecruiserGhostHellionMarauderMarineMedivac dropshipMULERavenReaperSCVSiege tankThorVikingHellbatWidow MineCycloneLiberator
Zerg Units CorruptorBanelingBrood lordDroneHydraliskInfestorLarvaMutaliskNydus wormOverlordOverseerQueenRoachUltraliskZerglingSwarm hostViperLurkerRavagerBroodlingChangelingInfested terran