Carbot Animations Wikia
Nation Wars 2017 Grand Finals
Season 5, Episode N/A
Air date January 21, 2017
Episode guide
Home Alone

Nation Wars 2017 Grand Finals is the promotional episode in the fifth season of StarCrafts.


The episode starts with spinning planet Earth, whose countries, South Korea, Poland, Germany and Canada, are highlighted in red. On the next scene, Polish red zerg swarm jumps into the battle. French terran marines march forth but the ultralisk unburrows and knocks the cyclone and siege tank using kaiser blades. American protoss units, colossus and adept, fire twin lasers and teleport-shoot with psionic transfer and glaive cannon, respectively. The corruptor then destroys the colossus in one smash.

Moreover, the creep spreads as Canadian purple zerg hydralisks carrying hockey sticks slither to the battle. German protoss disruptor dressed in Lederhosen outfit unleash purification nova towards the Mexican zerg swarm (while a hydralisk wearing sombrero plays with maracas).

South Korean protoss stalkers blink randomly. Norwegian terran hellion roasts red probes away. And finally the Korean red high templar zaps the marines using psionic storm.



  • This episode advertises the official 2017 StarCraft II tournament, "Nation Wars IV - Grand Finals." The tournament can be viewed here.
  • This is the first episode in StarCrafts series to reveal planet Earth and its setting, other than Heroes of the Dorm episodes.
  • A Canadian maple leaf symbol can be seen on the spreading creep.

Cultural references[]

  • This episode reveals country's stereotypical costumes and game strategies:
    • Canada: hockey sticks used in hockey sports.
    • Germany: Lederhosen outfit, the German traditional costume.
    • Mexico: sombrero and maracas
    • South Korea: stalkers using rapid blinking while micromanaging. It refers to South Korean's high-level strategy gaming.

Video []


StarCrafts- Nation Wars 2017 Grand Finals

StarCrafts Episode list
Season 1 ProbelemSupply BlockMicro MarineZerg BMChoked UpA Hellion of a HarassRoach ApproachRoach PoachScouting FactorOnslaughtHalloween Special 2012Shes the BombSpore LoserThe BWC 2012Attention SeekerShadow of a ColossusNASL 4 Grand FinalsMarine TrainingThe True Meaning of StarCraftEpic Mule TimeThe BanePhoenix DownI SpyUneggspectedThree For AllHeart of the Swarm Opening
Season 2 Season 2 Episode 0GL HFGot 99 ProbelemsReaping the BenefitsCore ValuesMine for the TakingSpawning Pool PartyPest ControlHellraiserFog of WarUndermine the OvermindNuclearedPower OverwhelmingMutalatedThunder and LightningDeathBallUnstoppableA Swarm WelcomeUnaVOIDableWin of the CenturyTrust the Nidas TouchThat So RavenHalloween Special 2013It's Nerfing TimeCrude BroodOracle OraKILLThe Twelve Days of StarCraftsBurning TideValentine's Day Special
Season 3 Season 3 Episode 0Not Enough MineralsCheeselingBase to BaseProxologistHatch MatchA Miner Probelem (alternate)You FiredNexus HoldemTvTZvZPvPAll for OneBustedCarrier CareerHalloween Special 2014NimbusA StarCrafts CarolDoomDropBeat by CreepTeam WorkArchon ModeGroup HugOverlord OverloadProtoss PartyAlliance
Season 4 Season 4 Episode 0BroodWar in a NutshellBroodWar Ep 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) • WCS Season 3 FinalsHotS & WoL in a NutshellLegacy of the Void OpeningKerrigan & Karax
Season 5 Season 5 Episode 0Game of DronesReaping RewardsAdeptationNova Covert OopsSplashRavager RavengerFreedom FightersSpineless DefenceAbathur & VorazunJimmity & AlarakStarCrafts Mod OpeningHalloween Special 2016CyclOWNEDColossal MistakeNova & StukovHome AloneNation Wars 2017 Grand FinalsArchOnslaughtThe Magic BoxInChargeMineral Line UpLurking AboutOrders are OrdersExecutive DecisionsThe DuelFenix & ZagaraDehaka & SwannThe Fall
Season 6 Season 6 Episode 0The New TerranThe New ZergThe New ProtossBuild OrdersDeep FeelingsMira & ArtanisDeep ImpactNation Wars 2018StarCraft 20th AnniversaryEvolution CompleteHellfireLabotossDo You Even Lift?"Care Again" ft. Kyle OkalyAn Arm and a LegSpineless CowardA Worm WelcomeTychus & SwannDeep TroubleZeratul & Raynor
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