Carbot Animations Wikia
Carbot Animations Wikia
Ravager Ravenger
Season 5, Episode 5
Air date July 9, 2016
Episode guide
Freedom Fighters

Ravager Ravenger is the fifth episode in the fifth season of StarCrafts. It is the ninetieth episode overall.


The episode starts with pack of zerglings, two roaches and a single ravager. The zerg swarm crawls toward the protoss base, but two sentries cast force field on the ramp, blocking a roach and two zerglings off. Both sentries cackle, but a ravager uses corrosive bile to break the blockage, allowing the zerg to enter and overrun the sentries.

A mothership core appears over the pylon and four warp-ins that construct photon cannons. She casts psionic overcharge on the pylon, and the pylon arms with a rifle "like a boss." However, ravager projects another corrosive bile towards the pylon, exploding it into pieces. Without pylon, all photon cannons power down. Mothership core then retaliates using ping pong balls and racket. Ravager attacks her with the same ability, whose splash target appears under the core. She tries to drift away but she is too slow to fly away, so the corrosive bile downs her.

Pack of zerglings push towards the trapped probes at the mineral field, but ravager blasts the probes off including zerglings. When the remaining roaches and ravager crawls to the higher ground for nexus, the probe barricades the entrance using pylons. Roaches, however, push the pylons through, but ravager's attack hits them unfortunately. Ravager is exhausted as he climbs up the ramp.

Phoenix uses graviton beam to lift the ravager up, and three sentries use disruption beam, tickling him on the air with laughs. Graviton beam is worn off and ravager crash lands on the sentries. The phoenix pilot closes the windshield in shame.


Recovered from the impact, the ravager nibbles the nexus. Obnoxious Executor warns that the base is under attack, but ravager shoots him to the ground. New mothership core arrives, but she uses ping pong balls onto the ravager harmlessly. Furthermore, Ravager nearly consumes the whole nexus, while mothership core's attacks still doesn't affect him.



  • This is the first appearance of ravager since "A StarCrafts Carol."
  • This is the second time zergling licking a force field. First was back in "Onslaught."
  • A reaper from "Reaping Rewards" is shown floating into the space where photo cannons are warped in.
  • This is the second time structures are used to barricade the passage. First was in "All for One"
  • This is the very first time the sentries use disruption beams as a main armament.
  • Obnoxious Executor is shown be killed for the second time as he was in "Burning Tide Part 1."
  • This episode is tagged by Jonathan Burton as #RavengersAssemble.
  • There are WarCraft 3 sound effects used in this episode, such as mothership core's surprise, and phoenix pilot's seat.
  • Pylon receives a new, stylish attack formation since "Reaping Rewards."
  • According to Jonathan Burton, this episode was supposed to be released on July 2, 2016. But, due to episode mistakes, he tweaked and corrected the episode's parts and rescheduled its airdate to July 9, 2016.

In-game References[]

  • Mothership cores using ping pong balls for repulsion cannons are a reference to their weak ranged weapon.
  • Ravager does friendly-fire with corrosive bile onto zerglings and roaches.
    • Also, his nibble on a nexus is akin to ravagers' weak attack against structures
  • Ravager feeling tired after the attacks refers to his cooldown.

Cultural references[]

  • Pylon's sunglasses and a rifle after mothership core casts a photon overcharge is a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger's iconic role in Terminator series.

Video []


StarCrafts Season 5 Ep 5 Ravager Ravenger

StarCrafts Episode list
Season 1 ProbelemSupply BlockMicro MarineZerg BMChoked UpA Hellion of a HarassRoach ApproachRoach PoachScouting FactorOnslaughtHalloween Special 2012Shes the BombSpore LoserThe BWC 2012Attention SeekerShadow of a ColossusNASL 4 Grand FinalsMarine TrainingThe True Meaning of StarCraftEpic Mule TimeThe BanePhoenix DownI SpyUneggspectedThree For AllHeart of the Swarm Opening
Season 2 Season 2 Episode 0GL HFGot 99 ProbelemsReaping the BenefitsCore ValuesMine for the TakingSpawning Pool PartyPest ControlHellraiserFog of WarUndermine the OvermindNuclearedPower OverwhelmingMutalatedThunder and LightningDeathBallUnstoppableA Swarm WelcomeUnaVOIDableWin of the CenturyTrust the Nidas TouchThat So RavenHalloween Special 2013It's Nerfing TimeCrude BroodOracle OraKILLThe Twelve Days of StarCraftsBurning TideValentine's Day Special
Season 3 Season 3 Episode 0Not Enough MineralsCheeselingBase to BaseProxologistHatch MatchA Miner Probelem (alternate)You FiredNexus HoldemTvTZvZPvPAll for OneBustedCarrier CareerHalloween Special 2014NimbusA StarCrafts CarolDoomDropBeat by CreepTeam WorkArchon ModeGroup HugOverlord OverloadProtoss PartyAlliance
Season 4 Season 4 Episode 0BroodWar in a NutshellBroodWar Ep 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) • WCS Season 3 FinalsHotS & WoL in a NutshellLegacy of the Void OpeningKerrigan & Karax
Season 5 Season 5 Episode 0Game of DronesReaping RewardsAdeptationNova Covert OopsSplashRavager RavengerFreedom FightersSpineless DefenceAbathur & VorazunJimmity & AlarakStarCrafts Mod OpeningHalloween Special 2016CyclOWNEDColossal MistakeNova & StukovHome AloneNation Wars 2017 Grand FinalsArchOnslaughtThe Magic BoxInChargeMineral Line UpLurking AboutOrders are OrdersExecutive DecisionsThe DuelFenix & ZagaraDehaka & SwannThe Fall
Season 6 Season 6 Episode 0The New TerranThe New ZergThe New ProtossBuild OrdersDeep FeelingsMira & ArtanisDeep ImpactNation Wars 2018StarCraft 20th AnniversaryEvolution CompleteHellfireLabotossDo You Even Lift?"Care Again" ft. Kyle OkalyAn Arm and a LegSpineless CowardA Worm WelcomeTychus & SwannDeep TroubleZeratul & Raynor
Season 7 The Beginning of the EndRed is not DeadProtossedMy Life For AiurCruise ControlDefeatThe Beginning of the End (Ep 6)GG No Re