UnderWatched is an animated series of short videos by CarbotAnimations parodying the Overwatch franchise. It was created by Jonathan Burton.
This is an episode guide for CarBot Animations's Overwatch series, UnderWatched.
No. | Episode Title | Summary | Upload Date |
1 | Play of the Game | May 25th, 2016 | |
2 | Bosstion | August 26th, 2016 | |
3 | That Hanzo So Hot Right Now | November 19th, 2016 | |
4 | Relove Relax | January 14th, 2017 | |
5 | Valentine's Day Special (UnderWatched) | February 11th, 2017 | |
6 | D.Vastating Damage | May 20th, 2017 | |
7 | Nano Boost The Match Maker | August 19th, 2017 | |
8 | You Mei Die | December 23th, 2017 | |
9 | This Is My Jam! | July 7th, 2018 | |
10 | Dier Defense | March 30th, 2018 |
Main article: List of UnderWatched Characters