Carbot Animations Wikia
Carbot Animations Wikia
Widow mine-0

A widow mine is a terran mechanical burrowing unit.

Widow mine

A widow mine


Widow mines are built as defensive capabilities at the terran base or expansion as they burrow. After being produced from the factory, they have a few similar qualities to a previous vulture's spider mines, making them such powerful traps. However, they are given with artificial intelligence so that they can be commanded by a commander or an adjutant to crawl into their positions and stand aground.

After widow mines burrow, they readily wait for an approaching enemy to come to their danger zone, and the enemy is unable to see the traps unless a detection can reveal them. Once they enter the zone, widow mines launch sentinel missiles, and these missiles seek towards its target until they detonate with massive splash damage. Once the enemy is destroyed, they chuckle with satisfaction.


Widow mines are shaped like a tiny tripod, except with a ball-shaped base having a single binocular eye and an antenna.


  • Widow mines appear in the episodes less after Season 3.

See Also[]

StarCrafts Units
Protoss Units ArchonCarrierColossusDark templarHigh templarImmortalMothershipObserverPhoenixProbeSentryStalkerVoid rayWarp prismZealotOracleTempestMothership coreAdeptDisruptor
Terran Units BansheeBattlecruiserGhostHellionMarauderMarineMedivac dropshipMULERavenReaperSCVSiege tankThorVikingHellbatWidow MineCycloneLiberator
Zerg Units CorruptorBanelingBrood lordDroneHydraliskInfestorLarvaMutaliskNydus wormOverlordOverseerQueenRoachUltraliskZerglingSwarm hostViperLurkerRavagerBroodlingChangelingInfested terran